August 14 – Anchorage Again (Corrected)

This afternoon I went to Potter Marsh and to the Old Seward Highway behind Potter Marsh.


As is usual on the weekend, the boardwalk was full of people but the birds as usual ignored all of us. Ducks at the marsh were Mallards, a single Northern Shoveler, a few Green-winged Teal and a couple of American Wigeons (not photographed).



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Shorebirds that I saw were limited to Short-billed Dowitchers (about 5), Greater Yellowlegs (about 7) and a single Lesser Yellowlegs way out in the marsh.



A single Belted Kingfisher put in a brief appearance but mostly was just heard in the distance.

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There were at least two Bald Eagles seen from the boardwalk at the marsh, and when I went behind the marsh on the old highway the same juveniles and a Harlan’s Red-tailed Hawk were found (previously incorrectly identified as a Bald Eagle). A Merlin was clearly agitated by the hawk’s’ presence and spent much effort chasing it around above my head.

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289 species so far

2 thoughts on “August 14 – Anchorage Again (Corrected)

  1. AMR August 15, 2016 / 9:45 am

    Eagles or Harlan’s (Red-tailed) Hawks? Quite a bit of pattern on those wing feathers.


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