Finally, news about publication of my new book!

Assuming the world holds together and books are still being shipped by then, my new book, entitled Big Years, Biggest States (about birding of course!)  is expected to arrive at the publisher (Texas A&M University Press) by mid-April or so. I received the cover (first photo below) a couple of weeks ago and just received my author’s advance copy of the full book this week. I am pleased with how it has turned out. Email me at or call me at 682-365-6531 if you have questions. 

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If you wish to order a copy from me, I would be happy to mail you a signed copy of the book (unless you will be in Alaska and wish to pick one up from me). The cost per book, including postage is $32 (it is the same price for my other two books if you wish to get them also). Checks can be sent to 645 G St., Ste. 100-688, Anchorage, AK 99501. If you want something written in the book in addition to my signature, let me know, and of course, I need to know the address to which the book should be sent.

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FYI, the titles of my three books are:    

Big Years, Biggest States    —    Birds in Trouble  —    Extreme Birder: One Woman’s Big Year